Tuesday, 18 December 2012

Roasted Carrot and Sweet Potato Soup

I'm a huge fan of pureed soup. They're so comforting this time of year. Whenever I make soup I usually throw whatever I can find into a pot and cook it. This soup was no different. I looked at what I had on hand, and worked from there. The out come was delicious.

Roasted Carrot and Sweet Potato Soup 

5 medium carrots
1 sweet potato
1/2 an onion (or 1 small onion)
3 garlic cloves
1/2 cup chickpeas
1 cup coconut milk
6-7 cups veggie stock
1 tsp sriracha (This might be a lot for some people, I like mine spicy. Regular hot sauce will do)
1 tbsp apple cider vinegar
1 tsp curry power
1/2 tsp cumin
1/2 tsp ginger
pinch of cinnamon

Optional additional vegetables to roast: squash, pumpkin, zucchini, turnips, parsnips

Optional seasonings: red pepper flakes, cayenne pepper, chili powder, ground nutmeg, garlic powder, onion powder, paprika, smoked paprika, natural peanut butter


Pre-Heat oven to 400F

1. Peel and cut the carrots and sweet potato into equal size pieces (no bigger then 1.5")
Place in oven safe dish and drizzle with approx. 2 tbsp of canola oil.
Sprinkle with whatever spices you like (I used sea salt and cumin)
Roast in the oven for about 30-40 mins, or until veggies are fork tender, browned, and beginning to caramelize.

2. While the veggies are roasting in the oven, you can begin the soup.
Add some oil and the chopped onion and garlic to your stock pot. Saute about 5 minutes.
Add the spices, veg stock, coconut milk, chickpeas, apple cider vinegar and siriracha
Bring to a boil, then simmer for 30 mins.

3. When the soup has simmered for the 30 mins, add the roasted vegetables and simmer for another 10 mins.
I usually let my soup rest for 20 mins or so before I blend it. Make sure you blend in small batches, and don't let to much steam build up in the blender. If the soup is to thick, add more water or stock. If the soup is to spicy, add more coconut milk.

I garnished with plain yogurt, hot sauce, paprika and hemp seeds


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